28 August 2011

MP leads group to clarify religious discrimination.

"Following a series of high-profile court cases, Gary Streeter, MP for South West Devon, is to head the inquiry by Christians in Parliament, an all-party parliamentary group, to "clarify" the legal position for members of the faith, and examine whether their freedoms are being "eroded"."

He voted against the ban on hunting with dogs and against gay marriage. I must also enquire who is paying for this little shindig.

This is my email to him;

Re Inquiry on religious rights.
About time. My rights are being eroded all the time. I want a return to biblical values and I want them enforced. Let's make Christianity the religion of the UK and stop trying to give other 'faiths' an equal voice. Mohammed was a paedophile and it's a disgrace that I can't wear my cross for fear of upsetting someone. Live and let live is what I say.

Ten things I would need to deny to begin to accept that the bible was written by God.

That it is clearly written by people of that time.

That there is no corroborating evidence for the House of David.

That it contradicts itself frequently.

That it promotes murder, misogyny and slavery.

That it contains a virgin birth like so many other myths.

That the Adam and Eve thing is totally absurd and without Eve and the snake there is no reason for Jesus’ death.

That God is needy, demands my attention and if I don’t do things his way, he will torture me for eternity.

That God lets the devil do his work for him.

That according to the bible, heaven is a cube where dragons live and where angels fight.

That the best way an all-powerful god (who had already drowned everything on earth to rectify a previous mistake) could redeem his creation was by impregnating a virgin so that his son could be tortured and killed to save my soul.