20 June 2010

Does God exist?

Someone asked on my local forum, "Does God exist and if so, where is the proof? This was my response. View the thread here.

One only has to look at all the beautiful plants and trees to know that this couldn't have just happened. It needed intelligent design. What about an eye? How could that have just appeared? If a tornado hit a car breakers, it wouldn't leave an E Type in its wake.

However the designer was a bit naff. Putting sex organs next to the sewage system and indeed having them operate as both is novel but not the best design option. I know the childbitrth thing weas a curse from god but really - A hinged door over the stomach opened by a code provided by god on 9 months would be better and would save a fortune in healthcare.

Why not have parents needing to spend a year in close proximity before the female could get pregnant? That would solve a lot of social problems. Bones break too easily. A good god would have thought of this before the seventh day or would have fixed it after. If humans were bendy and could bounce from great heights, there would be a lot less to go wrong. Needing blood to carry oxygen round the body is a bit of a no-brainer. Fine until someone gets accidentally opened up or those white cells get a mind of their own.

I suppose god was a bit limited because he had to make us in his own image for some reason but hey, got to give the guy a 6 out of 10 for effort.


Carol said...

I'd like to respond to the comment you left on my blog. I don't want to argue or convince you to change your mind. I only want to explain why I think the way I do. Speaking specifically of my brother's accident - if the accident were completely averted as you suggested my sister-in-law would not have been forced to confront her feelings that she truly loved my brother. They would have never gotten back together and never married. Never married = no kids. Perhaps my brother wouldn't have had the confidence to step out with his own business. Through that business, he helps many.

I do not believe people who die (including children) have done something to offend God. But sometimes I don't think we understand the greater picture. God has provided us a way to have eternal fellowship with him in heaven after we "die". We only have to choose it. Through some of the most horrible events, many have been brought face to face with God. I'm sure with a child, the way God looks at it, is the child is coming to heaven any way. If their death ultimately brings others to Christ and eternal fellowship with Him - it's worth it.

I'll admit I don't want to give up my child to help that to happen, though. I don't understand everything about God. I never will. But I know He is real. I know deep down in my core that He created a desire in me to know Him more. Others talk about the same desire - except they often confuse if for something else: a desire for enlightenment or greater good.

What it boils down to is this, God does not make His plans around my comforts or conveniences. He has an ultimate plan to bring all to Him. That's it. When bad things happen, He uses those for His glory. It's hard to comprehend, but I"m okay to admit I don't understand everything and keep on moving.

I hope you find what you are looking for. I wish for you the same true joy I have found with God.

Philip G said...

I think I understand your logic. I come across it a lot. It is as if we are programmed to look for a higher consciousness to give order to the chaos that is life. Bad things happen to good people, often through no fault of their own. A 20 year-old student was killed in a hit and run a few days ago, whilst out jogging. Perhaps her family are comforted that her death is part of the higher order of things but it is just a tragedy with no meaning other than what happened; a series of events that culminated in her death.

We strive to look for positives from negatives but saying that if a bad thing hadn’t happened, the good thing wouldn’t either just doesn’t hold water because no-one can evidence what would have happened if your brother hadn’t nearly died.

I came close to death about seven years ago. I got pneumonia and it took seven weeks in hospital and two chest ops for me to recover. I’m still not right but at nearly 50, I’m doing ok. I didn’t get to be with the woman of my dreams, although I got pretty close. On reflection, however it may not have been the best outcome.

There is no greater picture to understand. This is it. Comprehend the basic laws of physics and understand evolution and that’s pretty much everything you need to know to explain the cosmos. I agree, us humans are a little complicated but we are just animals.

The heaven thing really disturbs me. No physical body, perhaps missing loved ones who by default must be in hell and an eternity. Do you understand the concept of eternity? It is a very long time.

You know your god as other people across the world know their god. There are also a couple of thousand gods, once revered and often provided with rivers of sacrificial blood, who are now worshipped by no-one. They are dead. What makes your god the ‘One true god?’

The Universe is almost perfect for creating black holes. We are a speck in an insignificant galaxy that is one of billions. Our planet is pretty uninhabitable over most of its surface unless you are a fish. Yet Christians are arrogant enough to assume that their god made us the centre of his universe and that he has some kind of plan for us.

I sometimes reflect on how lucky I have been to pass this way. The sheer odds against me ever having walked this Earth are staggering. Even when life is pretty rubbish, I can’t help waking up wanting to embrace every day. My mantra is, “I’m me I’m now and that’s all.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to my ‘confrontational’ comment on your blog and I wish for you all that you wish for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.