24 September 2009

Back to Church Sunday

It's back to church Sunday this Sunday. I heard mention of it on daytime Radio 2 much to my annoyance. I have already complained about the godspot on Wogan and now this. I'm tempted to pop along and see what welcome I get after sitting there glaring at the vicar and not budging to stand and sing or kneel and pray. I don't suppose it's the done thing either to interject my own opinion into the sermon. Perhaps I should clarify at the beginning wether to ask questions during or save them until the end. That should set the tone.

I have found out that the poap is coming in September next year. Apparrantly it got leaked and the papal lot aren't very happy. And because my government asked them, we foot the bill! It cost the Americans £1.2 million per day. Read about it here.

Terry Sanderson, President of the National Secular Society, said: “We
intend to bring together all those groups that the Pope has insulted or
threatened over the years – gays, women’s groups, those affected by HIV, those
damaged by the Catholic Church’s cover-up of child abuse. We want to let the
pontiff know in no uncertain terms that his intransigence and fundamentalism are
damaging real people.”

Mr Sanderson continued: “The horrific Vatican cover up of large-scale child abuse by priests is enough to invalidate any state reception for this man. Instead, Britain celebrates and fetes him. But we will ensure that the other side of the story is put as the wrong-doing of the Catholic Church is once more, inexplicably, swept under the red carpet and conveniently forgotten for the duration”

We must protest.

1 comment:

Philip G said...

poap - Pull out and pray. Seems quite apt as far as mis spellings go.