14 September 2009

Reply to Our place ...

even a small house cann't be
Submitted by sann on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 18:57.
even a small house cann't be formed of it's own. We have to built it. If so how
such things can be formed on it's own. That to so perfect. sun's light in the
morning and moon's light at night, rotation of earth by itself and around sun,
perfect temp,pressure to live........ Even many times i wonder what a perfect
body we have, eyes to see, nose to breath,....beautiful digestive n productive
system, can this things be formed just by physics,chem n bio.? Where does this
physics, chemistry,biology come from?

My reply
Enough time
Submitted by Yiggoto on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 19:27.
I refer you to my blog entry,
"Our universe is 13.7 billion years old, which is another number so large the
human mind can’t comprehend it. What’s more interesting to me is that Sol, our
local star, is only 4.57 billion years old. It’s a third generation star, which
means that it and the rest of our solar system is made up of material from a
star that sat in this same spot and then died, twice".
We can explain pretty
much everything from the first few milliseconds of the big bang. Then there was
a long, long time befire the first living cell appeared 3 billion years ago.
That is all it would take. Everything could have originated from that one living
cell. As I see it, God had two things to do, light the touchpaper to start the
big bang (having put the laws of physics in place first) and then reappear 10
billion years later to breathe life into the primeval soup. Everything else can
be explained scientifically.
I agree, the chances of all of this happening
are infantesimally small but then the universe is infantesimally big. The more I
understand all the things that needed to happen for me to be here, the more I
value life and the more special I feel.
You see beautiful things but don't
forget the parasites and viruses that have killed and caused suffering to
millions. The humble mosquito has embarked on a killing campaign better than any
despot has ever achieved.
Saying God did it just causes another set of
questions. Should we stop research and asking questions aboout what we do not
yet know because you have your truth?

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