15 May 2010

Jesus torture porn.

My signature on Sheffield Forum used to be-

The world is slowly waking to the absolute nonsense of wizards, deities, magic, child bearing virgins and twisted death fetishists.

I came across a new expression recently, 'Torture Porn'. The reference in the film 'The Passion of Christ' is discussed here.

We tell children how christ was beaten, flogged and nailed to a cross to forgive them for their sins. How fucking sick is that? They see pictures of an alomst naked man, pierced by nails and dying and people think that's ok? If I showed my kids pictures of men in loin cloths having parts of their bodies involuntarily peirced by objects, I would probably have social services knocking on the door and rightly so.

This twisted death fetishism messes up kids' heads and should be banned.

1 comment:

Philip G said...

Pharyngula is picking up on the theme now. An areticle about religious snuff porn on his site: http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2010/05/sunday_sacrilege_daughters_of.php