28 August 2011

MP leads group to clarify religious discrimination.

"Following a series of high-profile court cases, Gary Streeter, MP for South West Devon, is to head the inquiry by Christians in Parliament, an all-party parliamentary group, to "clarify" the legal position for members of the faith, and examine whether their freedoms are being "eroded"."

He voted against the ban on hunting with dogs and against gay marriage. I must also enquire who is paying for this little shindig.

This is my email to him;

Re Inquiry on religious rights.
About time. My rights are being eroded all the time. I want a return to biblical values and I want them enforced. Let's make Christianity the religion of the UK and stop trying to give other 'faiths' an equal voice. Mohammed was a paedophile and it's a disgrace that I can't wear my cross for fear of upsetting someone. Live and let live is what I say.


John, an unlikely pastor said...

Wondering why you aren't posting any longer?

Philip G said...

I took a step back from wanting to fight everyone who was part of organised religion. It was taking up too much of my time and I didn't think anyone was reading what I posted anyway.

I keep a presence on Facebook where I follow many atheists and post occasionally but otherwise, I am pretty dormant. I am still fascinated by the reasons people choose to believe in the impossible and the lengths they will go to to construct a false reality that enables them to continue in that belief. I'm even looking at theology degrees at my University. I'm not sure what my employment prospects would be on the other side though.

I have devoured all I can find of Christopher Hitchens and have now turned my attention towards Sam Harris. One day I may rediscover myself.

Thanks for asking.